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Perspective City Project

          In this project I learned many new things. First off I learned how to use the perspective grid tool. This tool made it possible to create shapes in 3D. Secondly, I learned how to use the perspective selection tool. This tool allowed me to move shapes without ruining the 3-dimensional look. Also, I learned how to use the live trace tool to take any emblem I want and customize it or put it in linear perspective. Lastly, I learned how to use the gradient tool. This allowed me to fade colors into other colors. In my project, I used the radial gradient on my Burberry Store and the door to the store. I used the linear gradient the Gucci store, the Rolex store, the Nike store, The Ritz-Carlton hotel, the windows, and the sky. I feel that the Gucci store and some of my windows turned out really well. I wish I could change a couple windows and details on my buildings, but I didn't have enough time. I would give myself an A minus because I make almost all of the requirements, but some lack details.

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